FedEx airplane pops wheelie while unloading

FedEx Wheelie

FedEx airplane pops wheelie while unloading. 

FedEx said while unloading the plane, too much weight ended up in the back and not enough in the front, causing the plane to tilt backward on its wheels.

There is a video that caught the action from the ground. In the background, witnesses could be heard worrying that people were hurt, but that was luckily not the case.

“We had an aircraft being offloaded when the nose came up and the fuselage came to rest on a loader; no flight crew members were on board, and the offload crew is reported to be fine,” FedEx released in a statement.

FedEx also said it is investigating whether procedures were followed correctly when the incident happened.

July 20, 2015

 Copyright 2015 WMC Action News 5

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